When an appliance acts up, our first inclination is to “Google it”. Leading us down a long and winding YouTube rabbit hole in search of a potential DIY fix.
A noble pursuit, for certain. One that has its rewards, if we’re lucky. But in that moment of frustration, what if there is another alternative presented? After all, you’ve hated that faulty fridge or oven or dishwasher for years.
Using Google’s Vogon tool, we set out to place Frigidaire and their full line of appliances into the minds of these frustrated amateur repair technicians. Looking to offer dynamically in-real-time-generated :15 pre-roll answers to a user’s particular search query.
Busted ice maker? We have an answer. Dishwasher not draining? Yep, we’re there. Looking for comparisons between different appliance models? A branded Frigidaire ad is waiting to greet you.