In 2020, the #1 insecticide in the Caribbean was aiming to take on the corporate bug spray behemoths in the U.S. with their colorful and potent line of products. Manufacturing and distribution issues, plus a global pandemic have since put a damper on their plans for North American domination. Still, in an effort to help sell in their products to retailers and have work ready to go at (eventual) launch, we created this campaign to help BOP stand out in a creatively stale and thus often ignored product category.
People hate pests. The visceral reactions in seeing them in and around our home is palpable. The spider on the ceiling. The mosquitoes in the garden. The cockroaches in the kitchen. We’re physically disgusted by such sights. Reacting in ways that, in reality, defy logic. After all, as human beings, we are much bigger, stronger, and (maybe) smarter than they are. But the surprise, fear and irrational reactions create drama that, fortunately, can quickly be resolved with the ease, convenience, and effectiveness of BOP.
From the :60 above, we also created a :30 and three :15 spots to run as broadcast TV, online video, and in social channels.
My Role: CD/Writer; CD/ADs: Michel Lang / Caroyln Cawley; Writer: Kathleen Honey; AD: Eric Belanger
Emotions run high when unexpectedly coming face to insect-y face. So what can you do? Sing about it, of course. Together with Noisefloor in Chicago, I wrote a few ditties across a range of musical genres to express the heartache, fear and frustration that fester when bugs become a part of your life. Offering BOP as the ideal remedy to these unhealthy relationships.
My Role: CD/Writer/Lyricist/Amateur Composer
It’s not always easy to grab in-store retail shelf space. Especially when you’re the new insecticide in town. So while the company worked to impress retail buyers, we worked to bring BOP to life online with a fun and colorful Amazon storefront.