Original juans
Original Juan’s Pain Is Good had been a cult favorite of chiliheads in the pepper-seedy underground of catalog order hot sauces and salsas for a number of years. But when the time came to try and wrangle shelf space in the supermarket, they needed to catch the attention of retail buyers.
Together with designer Kendra Inman, we concepted the idea of a series of ‘Zines, each based on the unique personalities of the individual hot sauce batches to tell the Pain Is Good brand story. Then invited in a few friends to help us bring them to life.
The results? Shelf space in the store, and space in the CA Advertising Annual and NY Type Directors Club awards.
Additional Writers: Rick Dunn, John Lightstone
Additional ADs: Kyle Anthony, Eric Haag
There is a ‘pain gauge” on the side of every bottle of Pain Is Good hot sauce. It’s a handy visual reference for ball park heat levels. But for those who want a more specific measurement of pain, I provided these helpful indicators at the point of sale.